Sacred Familia Church by Gaudi. Now you can see where the word came from. It is amazing. He did not complete it. 40 years ago only the front facade was up, now there are all 4 walls and most of the towers. It will take many, many years to finish it. It is mesmorizing.

It's the detail that makes it even more overwhelming. Every inch is covered with something.
This is the bullring.
This is the memorial to Columbus

April 13
We docked in Barcelona at noon today, so Arleen got some more sleep, but Duane did a non-denominational service at 9am and his discussion group at 10am, and his CPAP stopped working during the nite because our electricity went off. So, poor guy, didn't get much sleep.
Right now we are internetting you from the international terminal at the port. We are also looking for a place to stay in London, when we get off the ship. We have a place offered to us, and we had expected to stay there, but Rosa, the nice lady who offered, just mentioned that it would cost about 60 pounds, or $ 120 per day just to communte to London. We knew it would take about an hour each way, but we didn't know it would cost so much. So we are googling a place to stay and how to get there from the port in Southampton. So our day today will be spenty on the internet.
We have been here before, so I've enclosed pictures of what we liked before. We might go into town tonight, since we do not leave until 10pm, but we will not have any pictures.
If anything exciting happens we will add the info later. Only a short time left.
1 comment:
I just found this place to sign up and write to you.
You have taken and shown us so many exciting things. We enjoyed your trip as much as you did (well almost) it looks from pictures, and sounds like the most bestest time anyone could have, We can't wait to talk to you. WHen are you going to get back to the US of A and when will you be back in COLO"?
Thanks for taking us on the trip of a livetime.
we love you
Sandi & Bill
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